
If you want to get good at anything, you must commit to it. Create good habits. Set aside time everyday, and just do that thing. Create the habit, and do it whether you feel like it or not.

Take an hour every day, and just program in your language of choice. Before long, it’ll be weird not to do it. Good luck, and I’m here.

Uh… Where do I start?

That was the very first question I had when I began on my journey, and I want to give my thoughts on the matter.

Make a choice on the technology you want to learn. I would obviously recommend .Net. The community is deep, diverse, and rich.

Next, go get yourself a GitHub account, and learn how to use Git. Look for my posts on Git basics. (If you’re early, they might not be released, but they’re coming soon.)

After that, start concentrating on the basics on your language of choice, and you’ll be well on your way.

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog!

I really could not think of a better title for this blog post.

I have been told that the best way to be sure that you know something is to teach, and show. This blog is my attempt at that. It will also serve as an archive of sorts for concepts that I myself can return to, and brush up on.

I will cover things about the .NET Framework, C#, XAML, GIT, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, and anything related.

Thank you for joining me.